The Power of Vishnu Sahasranamam

Sahasranama means 1000 names. The nameless has 1000 names. The number 1000 is only figurative because Lord has infinite names. Thousand is symbolic of myriad or numerous. Before commencing the Vishnu Sahasranama, one has to meditate on the cosmic form of Lord Vishnu. By chanting the Lord’s 1000 names or at least by listening to it, one can achieve ones goals.

Lord Vishnu is “Visveswara” – the one who reigns over the globe, the one who is supreme. In the Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna says, “I am the beginning, the middle and the end”. If we start visualizing that everything that is good in this world has some element of divinity in it, then we are progressing on the path towards salvation. Whenever we chant “Om”, it is a reverence to Lord Krishna as well. Lord says,

“Anything that is glorious, brilliant or powerful is a manifestation of my effulgence.” God’s glory is great. He is endowed with abundance of virtue, knowledge and dispassion. By worshipping God, we get rid of our obsessions with the world – we are experiencing a form of mukti or freedom. Once the river merges with the sea, its identity is lost. In the same way, once we become one with the Almighty, we attain the supreme self. By thinking of the divine forms and uttering the sacred name of the Lord, our senses- faculties get sublimated to a higher level, We start on the road, begin our journey to spirituality.

Prathama pratima-puja

Japastotrani madhyamd

Uttama manasi puja

Soham pujottamottama

1. Image worship
2. Japa (Chanting) & prayer
3. Mental worship
4. I am He

Even if one doesn’t know the meaning but utters it, he gains tremendous benefits. Unknowingly or knowingly, the chanting of the supremely praiseworthy name burns away man’s sin, just as fire reduces fuel to ashes. Puranas say that the name “Hari” has a tremendous power to remove sin. Nama japa can be performed at any time. Divine name is the supreme truth. Never disrespect the preceptor or the guru.

In the Gita, the Lord says “constantly praising me and striving to reach me with firm resolve and offering obeisance to me, brings me closer to my devotees.” If you have any problem that is causing you heart burn or intrigue, surrender yourself completely at the Lotus feet of Lord Vishnu.

When you pray to God, there is no need to ask anything to God as he knows what you want. Serve the Lord without any ulterior motive as service is the greatest form of worship. Knowledge can only dawn in a mind that has become pure and is disciplined in concentration. The path of dedicated duty cleanses the mind. Actions and fruits of our actions have to be dedicated to God. Devotion connects the path of knowledge with the path of action. Grace of the Lord culminates in true knowledge.

Vishnu Purana teaches that what is gained through meditation in krta-yuga, through performing sacrificial rites in treat-yuga and through ritual worship in dvapara-yuga is obtained by chanting the names of God in Kaliyuga.

  • Prayer
  • Vocal
  • Meditation
  • Affective
  • Prayer of simple regard

Affective means relating to or arising from or influencing feelings of emotions. In the Sahasranama, there are references to the Lord who himself is symptomatic of sacrifices. Bheeshma says chanting the Vishnu sahasranama or even listening to it removes sins and fears. It benefits all. To go beyond sorrow, praise the all pervading Lord. When you thank the Lord for small things, he will surely give you an opportunity to thank him for greater things in life. Meditate on the Lord, praise him, pay obeisance to him.

Serve the Lord with mind, speech and body. Lord Vishnu is closely associated with Lotus flower. He is Lotus eyed and has Lotus feet and Lotus (Padma) resides in his heart. According to the Vishnu Sahasranama, it is wrong to discriminate between Shiva and Vishnu. Shiva is the destroyer, Brahma is the creator and Vishnu is the protector. Lord is called “Padmanabha”. He is “Anantha” which means happiness. The Lord is the embodiment of happiness. It is said – “Sarvam Vishnu mayam jagath”.

Look at the different names of the Lord.

  • Sriman
  • Srikar
  • Srinivas
  • Srivasah
  • Sripathi
  • Sridhara
  • Lakshmipathi
  • Madava – (the Lord of Lakshmi)
  • Damodara
  • Govindah – the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the cows, the one who redeemed the earth
  • Mukunda – the one who grants release
  • Janardhana – the one who punishes the wicked
  • Even the mere recitation of these names can bring in great merit. These hymns spread abundant positive energy around them.
Benefits of Reciting Sri Vishnu Sahasranama – Phala Sruti
  • That man who hears the names every day or who recites them every day, never meets with any evil either here or hereafter.
  • If a Brahmana does this he succeeds in mastering the Vedanta.
  • If a Kshatriya does it, he becomes always successful in battle.
  • A Vaisya, by doing it, becomes possessed of affluence
  • A Sudra earns great happiness.
  • If one becomes desirous of earning the merit of righteousness, one succeeds in earning it (by hearing or reciting these names).
  • If it is wealth that one desires, one succeeds in earning wealth (by acting in this way).
  • So also the man who wishes for enjoyments of the senses succeeds in enjoying all kinds of pleasures, and the man desirous of offspring acquires offspring (by pursuing this course of conduct).
  • That man who with devotion and perseverance and heart wholly turned towards him, recites these thousand names of Vasudeva every day, after having purified himself, succeeds in acquiring great fame, a position of eminence among his kinsmen, enduring prosperity, and lastly, that which is of the highest benefit to him (viz., emancipation itself).
  • Such a man never meets with fear at any time, and acquires great prowess and energy. Disease never afflicts him; splendor of complexion, strength, beauty, and accomplishments become his.
  • The sick become hale, the afflicted become freed from their afflictions; the frighted become freed from fear, and he is plunged in calamity becomes freed from calamity.
  • The man who hymns the praises of that foremost of Beings by reciting His thousand names with devotion succeeds in quickly crossing all difficulties.
  • That mortal who takes refuge in Vasudeva and who becomes devoted to Him, becomes freed of all sins and attains to eternal Brahma.
  • They who are devoted to Vasudeva have never to encounter any evil. They become freed from the fear of birth, death, Old age, and disease.
  • That man who with devotion and faith recites this hymn (consisting of the thousand names of Vasudeva) succeeds in acquiring felicity of soul, forgiveness of disposition, prosperity, intelligence, memory, and fame. Neither wrath, nor jealousy, nor miserliness, nor evil understanding ever appear in those men of righteousness who are devoted to that foremost of beings.
  • This hymn in praise of the illustrious Vishnu composed by Vyasa, should be recited by that person who wishes to acquire happiness and that which is the highest benefit (viz., emancipation).
  • Those persons that worship and adore the Lord of the universe, that deity who is inborn and possessed of blazing effulgence, who is the origin or cause of the universe, who knows no deterioration, and who is endued with eyes that are as large and beautiful as the petals of the lotus, have never to meet with any discomfort.
Benefits of The Vishnu Sahasranama

The Supreme Deity is Vishnu, also called Vishveshwara, ruler of the universe, and the Vishnu Sahasranama holds immense power. It is a spiritual experience like none other and gives an individual great inner calm and peace. Here are the benefits of chanting the Vishnu Sahasranama.

  • That man who hears the names every day or who recites them every day, never meets with any evil either here or hereafter.
  • Each name has hundreds of meanings, so the Vishnu Sahasranama is an all-powerful chant
  • Even chanting without knowing the full meaning is beneficial; listening to Vishnu Sahasranama itself removes fears and sins
  • It helps overcome bad luck and curses for individuals
  • Chanting helps overcome financial difficulties and brings good fortune
  • It helps the mind relieve itself of stress and focus on positives
  • One attains self-confidence and pursues goals confidently
  • It recovers self-esteem and brings peace to the home
  • It helps cure infertility, diseases, and wards off the trouble of the position of planets and stars
  • It brings all-round growth and knowledge to an individual
  • It forms a protective barrier around one’s mind, body, and soul from evil intentions and enemies
  • It absolves us of sins from the past life and current; helps us on the path of virtue and to become enlightened
  • It helps bring us closer to the Supreme Being and attain Moksha (salvation) in the afterlife
  • If you are suffering from insomnia, see bad dreams every night while sleeping or have a fear in your mind then reading the strotra helps you fight them all. Reading it helps you have a peaceful mind.
  • Those suffering from childlessness in their house should read the Vishnu Sahasranama everyday.
  • Chanting the Vishnu Sahasranama calms down your mind and sharpens your focus in life. Reading every name of Lord Vishnu helps you boost your inner energies which further increases your focus. This helps you meditate better.
  • Astrologically, if a person has a weak Lord Sun in the horoscope chart then reading this can help in making it stronger.
  • Children who are weak in their studies or wish to improve their learning power should chant the strotra everyday.
Astrological importance of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama

As mentioned above recitation and meditation of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra can help anyone who is seeking relief from various problems and can fulfill his or her desires.

Helps minimizing evil combinations/affliction of planets as indicated in one’s birth chart. One can also sail through and overcome various curses and misfortunes.

Many astrological classics including Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra have mentioned its use to obtain peace and relief in difficult situations. In fact it is a universal remedy to pacify and empower all planets in one’s birth chart.

Difficult periods indicated in a person’s birth chart including:

  • Dashas and antadashas of death inflicting planets(marak periods) and functionally malefic planets.
  • Difficult transits of Rahu, Ketu or Saturn especially over Luminaries, that is, natal Sun and Moon.
  • When transiting Jupiter moves through one’s 8th House.
  • Weak and inauspicious Sun, Moon, Lagna(Ascendant) Lord as indicated in one’s birth chart.

Incurable diseases, health problems, fear, anxiety and low state of confidence and self-esteem.

Financial losses, conflicts and poor economic condition.

Problems with progeny and any problem affecting children.

Marital problems and divorce conflicts.

Ensuring success in exams, business ventures and other competition.

Natural disasters or when one’s country/state is in a state of turmoil and distress.

Spiritual progress and grace of Lord Vishnu.

To fulfill any other desire or overcome any difficulty.