What Is The Right Time To Read The Vishnu Sahasranama?

It is best to read the strotra in the morning after you have taken a bath. However, if you wish to read it later in the day then the best time would be in the evening between 5-7 pm. Chanting the strotra before going to sleep is also said to be beneficial.

What Is The Right Way Of Chanting The Vishnu Sahasranama?

First decide if you want to do it daily, weekly or on a special occasion ( muhurat) and for how long.

If this is being performed as an astrological remedy, take a resolve on number of rounds you wish to do.

Decide on a time slot and stick to it.

For example, you can recite once every Sunday morning for 52 weeks.

Each round of Sri Vishnu Sahasranama can take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes from start to end.

Best to do in a private space clear of noises, distractions and free of smell and dirt.

Needless to say, like any other endeavour, success will come to those who do it with devotion, determination and discipline.

Optionally, you can light, consisting of a wick that can be lit in sesame oil/ghee.

What have Great People said about Vishnu Sahasranamam?
  • Bhishma

    "Man who hears the names every day or who recites them every day, never meets with any evil either here or hereafter"
  • Adi Sankaracharya

    said that the Sahasranama bestowed all noble virtues on those who chant it
  • Parasara Bhattar

    A follower of Ramanujacharya had said that Vishnu Sahasranama absolves people of all sins and has no equal
  • Vedavyasa

    The Final Word, "Sage Vedavyasa concludes the Stotram with the assertion - twice stated - that there is no way a devotee of Vishnu can meet with any dishonor or disgrace of any kind".(na te yanti parabhavam - ne te yanti parabhavam om nama iti).
What is great about Vishnu Sahasranamam?

There are six facts that attest to the greatness of the Vishnu Sahasranamam. These are:

  • It is the essence of the Mahabharata.
  • Sages such as Narada have made repeated references to the "Thousand Names of Vishnu" in their devotional works.
  • The rishi is Vedavyasa, the foremost knower of the vedas, and an incarnation of Vishnu.
  • It is the considered opinion of Bhishma that it is the best and easiest of all Dharmas, or the means to attain relief from all bondage.
  • It is widely accepted that the chanting of this Stotram gives relief from all sorrows and leads to happiness and peace of mind.
  • It is in conformity with the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita and other important vedic literature.

Mantras are sound vibrations that permeate every cell of our being; they dissolve the mind. Mantras are impulses or rhythms of consciousness. Mantras bring out all the positive energy. These sound vibrations are beyond the cognition of the mind. When the mind does not analyse, it simply dissolves and moves into a meditative space.

A mantra is like a seed; every seed has the potential to become a tree. Similarly, these sound vibrations contain all the possibilities of creation.

Chanting of the Vishnu Sahasranama brings endless benefits. It sets us free from the fear of poverty, disease, birth, and death. We gain a higher consciousness that makes us understand God better, and towards introspection and meditation. Done with pure devotion and perseverance, the Vishnu Sahasranama bestows an abundance of blessings from God.